Oral Presentations Schedule
Просмотров - 687
July 8, Monday
Oral Presentations Schedule
Link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8073495698?pwd=ZHVhTlZiY0tpa0RWd21FVkUzUjV5QT09&omn=84433289211
Here is the link to Oral Presentations Zoom Meeting that will be held at 3 PM (GMT +9) July 8. Please join the meeting a few minutes earlier. For participants: when you join the meeting, please write your project number before your name. For example, I-7 Aman Mordovskoy.
For supervisors: when you join the meeting, please write the project number of the student you’re in charge of, before your name, and add «Supervisor» for example «I-7. Supervisor (name and surname)»