People’s Choice Project Competition

Просмотров - 591

Dear friends,
We invite everyone to People’s Choice competition and to vote for the project you like most. The competition is held as part of Yakutia International Science Fair, an international school scientific conference.
Project categories:
– mathematics, computer science and information technology;
– physics, astronomy and engineering;
– life sciences, environmental sciences and chemistry;
– social sciences and humanities.
More than 150 students (83 projects) are participating in the competition. They are from 9 countries, including Turkey, South Africa, Italy, El Salvador, Palestine, India, Iran, Indonesia, Russia as well as from 3 Russian regions: Sverdlovsk Oblast, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and Moscow.
Don’t miss the opportunity to vote for a unique project of the largest, most memorable event of this summer – Yakutia International Science Fair.
Date: July 9, 2024 3:00 pm-6:00 pm (GMT +9)
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